Village May 2015 Minutes

May 13, 2015

Present: Maksimchuk’s, Seamon, Burns, Tate, Beauchamp, Olk

Absent: Gauthier

Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Motion by Maksimchuk, support by Olk to accept the minutes, motion carried. Motion by Beauchamp, support by Seamon to accept the Treasurer’s report, roll call vote, all yeas, motion carried.

New Lothrop Village Council Members paid tribute to long time serving councilman, George Thiel who recently passed away. Council members will return next month with some ideas to honor George.

Ben Frederick, Mayor of Owosso was present to discuss and answer questions about the Habitat for Humanity. There is $7,500 grant assistance for roof repairs, etc. to any Shiawassee resident. If anyone is interested in applying for the grant, the Village Clerk does have available applications. A Habitat for Humanity office will be opening in Owosso in June.

Anthony Berthuame, Superintendent of New Lothrop Schools was present to thank the Council for their partnership with the school and will continue to work together with contract renewal. Village Attorney will draw up new contract. Motion by Beauchamp, support by Olk to continue our partnership with the Police Department and the School and DDA, roll call vote, all yeas, motion carried.

Police and DPW & Zoning Reports are on file.

Motion by Beauchamp, support by Maksimchuk to search for some new part-time officers, motion carried. Council members Maksimchuk & Beauchamp will serve on search and interview committee.

A plague was shown to council in honor of Officer Bruce Andres leaving the Department for a new job. Officer was our DARE officer for many years also.

Discussed new fire hall, Invite Hazelton Township Supervisor to next council meeting.

Discussed Ready –To-Use water service and charges. Motion by Olk, support by Maksimchuk to adopt the/draft the policy regarding the water department as stated at the council meeting to be drafted by the Village Attorney, motion carried.

West Ditch Easement agreement is due to be re-newed. Attorney will draft a new 3 year contract.

Motion by Burns, support by Seamon to hire Council Member Pat Olk to help DPW department at a rate of $13 per hour, subject to Attorney’s review of the law/conflict of Interest, roll call vote, Olk, abstain, rest yeas, motion carried.

Will advertise Council vacancy. Motion by Burns, support by Olk to name John Maksimchuk, Mayor Pro-Tem, motion carried.

Will advertise for sealed bids for BMW, minimum bid will be $4,500 and the Village has the right to reject or accept any bids. Car will be advertised in local newspaper and also in auto swapper magazine. Council members need to figure about best way to advertise and sell the Unimog. We will discuss at next meeting.

Discussed use of property for a driveway, Village Attorney advised Council, it is a civil matter between two private homeowners and not a Village issue.

Motion by Olk, support by Maksimchuk to give Tim Rushton a raise from $14 per hour to $15 per hour, discussion, roll call vote, all yeas, motion carried.

Motion by Maksimchuk, support by Olk to pay all the bills including the telephone and consumers, roll call vote, all yeas, motion carried.

Declared meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m.

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