Village December 2016 Minutes

December 14, 2016

Present: Maksimchuk, Burns, Laura and Pat Olk, Seamon, Tate, Gauthier

Meeting called to order by Mayor Burns at 7:00 p.m. with The Pledge of Allegiance.

Motion by Maksimchuk, support by Olk to accept the minutes, motion carried. Motion by Olk, support by Maksimchuk to accept the Treasurer’s report, motion carried.

Patriot Pen Winner, Anna Clolinger read her winning speech to Village Council. Anna will now be competing at the District level.

Dave Schnell requested an explanation of complaints about “supplies and equipment” at his place of business.

Update on burned property on Saginaw Street, property owner has until January 3 before legal action and fines can take place.

Announcement of recycling bin placed at Schnell’s for all village and township residents. Bins are labeled.

Police, DPW and Zoning reports are on file.

Motion by Maksimchuk, support by Olk to adopt the zoning fee schedule that Mr. Delaney has been using, roll call vote, P. Olk, yes, Gauthier no, Maksimchuk, yes, L. Olk, yes, Seamon, no, Burns yes, motion carries

Motion by Seamon, support by Gauthier to appoint Andy Wolford to 2 year council vacancy, roll call vote, P. Olk no, Gauthier yes, Maksimchuk yes, L. Olk no, Seamon yes, Burns No, motion failed due to tie votes.

Motion by P. Olk, support by L. Olk to appoint Mary Ellen Moore, roll call vote, P. Olk yes, Gauthier no, Maksimchuk no, L. Olk yes, Seamon, no, Burns no, motion failed.

Motion by Burns, support by Gauthier to appoint Andy Wolford to 2 year vacancy, roll call vote P. Olk no, Gauthier yes, Maksimchuk yes, L. Olk no, Seamon yes, Burns yes, motion carried.

Motion by Burns, support by Maksimchuk to allow the Clerk and Treasurer to open an account for the Village at Community State Bank with a sum of $10,000.00, discussion (due to the closing of the Huntington bank) roll call, all yeas, motion carried.

Motion by Seamon, support by Maksimchuk to close Genesee Street to Orchard Street and Orchard to Butternut for the Candlewalk on December 15th , motion carried.

Motion by Burns, support by Maksimchuk to pay all the bills, roll call vote, all yeas, motion carried.

Declared meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.

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