DDA February 2017 Minutes
Meeting called to order at 6:30pm with the pledge of allegiance.
Present- States, Schnell, Ustishen, A. Stewart, P. Stewart, Birchmeier
Absent- Yaklin, Burns, Moore
Schnell motioned to accept the January minutes as presented, Stress 2nd the motion.
P. Stewart motioned to accept the December & January treasures report as presented, Schnell 2nd the motion.
Getting bids for carpet & desks for offices before any further decision is made.
Schnell motioned to pay the consumers bill of $1300.74 with Ustishen 2nd the motion.
Roll call all yes- Ayres-y, Schnell- y, Ustishen-y, A. Stewart-y, P. Stewart-y, Birchmeier-y
Meeting adjourned at 7:16pm