DDA February 2018 Minutes

February 15, 2018

Present: Lahmann, Schnell, Ustishen, A. Stewart, P. Stewart, Burns
Absent: M. Birchmeier, S. Birchmeier, Yaklin

Meeting called to order at 6:35pm with the pledge of allegiance.

P. Stewart motioned to accept the December minutes as presented. Lahmann 2nd.

Schnell motioned to accept the January minutes as presented, A. Stewart 2nd.

P. Stewart motioned to accept the treasurer’s report as presented, A. Stewart 2nd.

The budget was approved by the council.

Matt McKone spoke about renewing the TIF plan.

Schnell motioned to pay bills as presented, Ustishen 2nd . Roll call all yes votes.

Consumers $1386.95

The car wash is now set to be open in April or May.

Meeting adjourned at 7:14pm.

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