DDA April 2018 Minutes
April 19,2018
Meeting called to order at 6pm with the pledge of allegiance.
Present: Yaklin, Lahmann, Schnell, Ustishen, A. Stewart, P. Stewart, S. Birchmeier, Burns
Absent: M. Birchmeier
P. Stewart motioned to accept the April minutes as presented, Lahmann 2nd.
A. Stewart motioned to accept the treasurer’s report as presented, Lahmann 2nd.
Still in the works of getting a plan together for the TIF renewal.
There is still unfinished business including the water tower financing.
A craft/swap area will be in Peterson’s parking lot for car show.
Lahmann also mentioned that we need to decide who is doing the 30th car show so they can be prepared. The DDA & council need to figure out when we can all meet to discuss streets & sidewalks.
Schnell motioned to pay all bills presented, Ustishen 2nd.
McKone law firm $2115.00
Consumers $1402.92
Staples- DDA supplies reimbursement to schnells $43.97.
Roll call- all yes
Schnell motioned to pay up to $500 for village flowers, Lahmann 2nd.
Roll call- all yes
Meeting adjourned at 7:28pm.