DDA September 2018 Minutes
Present: M. Birchmeier, Schnell, Ustishen, A. Stewart, P. Stewart, S. Birchmeier, Burns
Absent: Yaklin
The meeting was called to order at 6:30pm with the pledge of allegiance.
P. Stewart motioned to accept the July minutes, Lahmann 2nd.
A. Stewart motioned to accept the August minutes, S. Birchmeier 2nd.
P. Stewart motioned to accept the treasurer’s report as presented, Schnell 2nd.
Lahmann mentioned to think about the budget . Publish where we put
car show money (where or who it went to) this year was donated to
Buddy Miller. Start car show & truck show planning in January.
Doug Pickett or an associate will be at the November meeting.
The VFW has been sold Jerry Burns stated. He also mentioned that there are funds available through the Michigan municipal league for roads. A census will be sent out to the village so we can possibly get funding approval.
A contract between the DDA & the school has not been signed. The school could only come up with $14,000. M. Birchmeier motioned to spend $14,000 instead of 16,000 for the police budget.. Roll call-all yes.
Schnell motioned to pay the invoices due, Ustishen 2nd.
$100 Duane Bowns for ad in tractor books for car show.
$20 Roberta Rhodes refund for craft area rental at car show.
$1488.32 Consumers
$100 RLI Surety Bond
$341.89 Geney DuBois car show photography
Schnell motioned to form a committee for the park. A. Stewart, Lahmann & S. Birchmeier were appointed. P. Stewart 2nd.
Roll call-all yes.
Meeting adjourned at 7:45pm.