Village December 2019 Minutes

December 11, 2019

Present: Maksimchuk’s, S. Birchmeier, Besaw, Ustishen, L.Olk, Gauthier, Absent: Seamon

Meeting called to order by Village President, John Maksimchuk at 7:00 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Motion by L. Olk, support by Ustishen to accept the minutes, motion carried.

Motion by J. Maksimchuk to amend the minutes to include the rate of $13 per hour for the Deputy Clerk, support by Birchmeier, motion carried.

Motion by L. Olk, support by Besaw to accept the Treasurer’s report, motion carried.

Public Comments:
Discussed the condition of the alley behind Village East, Dave Schnell will fill in pot holes with stone crete, also discussed the damage being done to the manhole from school bus and using private property to access their parking behind their home.

Police, DPW and Zoning reports on file. DPW is conducting Cross Connection testing for all the business’s in the Village.

Motion by L. Olk, support by Birchmeier to adopt ordinance #123, pertaining to Cross Connections, discussion, roll call vote, all yeas, motion carried.

Motion by Birchmeier, support by Gauthier, to look into the process of refinancing the water bond, roll call vote, all yeas, motion carried.

Motion by J. Maksimchuk, support by Birchmeier to add a line item to the DDA budget named Park with $50,000.00 budget, roll call vote, all yeas, motion carried.

Water customers need to be re-evaluated and brought up to date.

Foreclosed property discussed, Property will be turned back to the Village.

Discussed speed limit stencils or speed limit signs, possible budget items for next year.

TIFA Committee, appointed by President John Maksimchuk, members are Cindy Kinsey, Bill Swain, Courtney Kimball-Corbin, Terry Tate, Laura Olk, Jerry Burns, Andy Hobson, Stan Birchmeier, and Mike Hemgesberg.

Motion by Birchmeier, support by Besaw to give Andy Hobson a $2 per hour raise, which brings him to $15 per hour, discussion, roll call vote, 1 no vote Gauthier, rest yeas, motion carried.

Motion by L. Olk, support by Ustishen pay all the bills, roll call
vote, all yeas, motion carried.

Declared meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.

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