Village September 2020 Minutes

September 9, 2020

Present: Maksimchuk’s, Tate, Seamon via Microsoft Team
meeting,(telephone) Gauthier, Ustishen, L. Olk, Absent: Besaw arrived at
7:15 p.m.

Meeting called to order by Mayor John Maksimchuk with the Pledge of
Allegiance. Motion by Ustishen, support by Olk to accept the regular and
special meeting minutes, motion carried. Motion by Gauthier, support by
Birchmeier to accept the Treasurer’s report, motion carried.
Police, DPW and Zoning reports on file.

Motion by Gauthier, support by Ustishen to accept the Police/School
agreement as presented, roll call vote, all yeas, motion carried. Seamon
and Besaw absent from vote (videos goes in and out). Roll call vote, all
yeas, motion carried.

Motion by Birchmeier, support by Olk to have Artesian of Ohio inspect the
water treatment plant and repair air valve along with some minor repairs, at a cost of $3,000, roll call vote, all yeas, motion carried.

Motion by Besaw, support by Ustishen to approve audit as presented by
Clerk and Treasurer, discussion, roll call vote, all yeas, motion carried.
Park Property report, liability concerns of placing a fence around property…

Grand Opening…October 3. Motion by Birchmeier, support by Besaw to
name the Village Park after the Confer family, discussion, Roll call vote, 2
no votes Gauthier, Seamon, rest yeas, motion carried.

Motion by Birchmeier, support by Olk to shut down Orchard Street to the
alley to Genesee Street on October 3 & 4 for Grand opening of park
dedication, motion carried.

Motion by Seamon, support by Birchmeier to add an additional $4,430 to
the slurry seal quote and will continue the seal from Cherry to Northwood Street, Roll call vote, all yeas, motion carried.

Motion by Gauthier, support by Besaw to pay all the bills, roll call vote, all
yeas, motion carried.

Declared meeting adjourned at 8:09 p.m.

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