DDA August 2020 Minutes
Meeting called to order at 6:35 p.m.
Present: Mark Birchmier, Pete Stewart, Holly Bishop, Roy Moore, Diane Lahmann
Absent Members: Brad Arthur, Anita Stewart, Dave Schnell. Members stood by pledge of allegiance.
Motion to accept minutes made my Pete Stewart. Seconded by Roy Moore
Motion to accept treasurer’s report made by Diane Lahmann, seconded by Holly Bishop
Special Guest: Charles Allen, police chief. He explained the funds that went to the used car for the police department. He was under budget for both payment and graphics.
Old Business: Grand opening on the park, we would like to have an official grand opening with music, etc. something laid back. October 3rd will be the tentative day for that. Roy is checking with a band and Brad is checking with Joe from Hornet’s Nest and other businesses regarding food for the event.
Pete pointed out that the police radar was not fully covered by the police budget and we need to make a new motion to the budget to pay for the radar. It will come out of the property acquisition budget and it will then be funded. Pete made a new motion to spend the money for the Roy seconded the motion. Roll call vote, unanimously voted through.
New Business: There was a suggestion that the flower hangers need to be painted. Brad and Pete are going to get quotes on someone powder coating the flower hangers. Doug Taylor and Gary Peterson’s names were mentioned to possibly get quotes.
-The grant Committee is making a recommendation to accept the Ambulance sign for 1500$. Motion was made by Pete to discuss. Motion was seconded by Roy. Roll Call vote, vote was unanimous.
-Invoices to be paid: Bills from the village for project reimbursement/books. (This is the portion for the DDA to pay). Also for consumer’s bill, bill for Besaw landscaping for irrigation system(coming out of the downtown beautification) at the park. Brad made a motion to pay the bills, Diane seconded the motion. Roll call vote was unanimous.
-Motion made by Brad to put Diane on the facade committe, Pete seconded the motion. Roll call vote, unanimous.
-Roads in the subdivision are being started on August 24th.
Meeting adjourned 7:17 pm