DDA January 2023 Minutes
January 19, 2023 – DDA Minutes New Lothrop
Members present: Pete Stewart, Anita Stewart, Dave Schnell, Cindy Kinsey, Kayla McCormic, Tammy Schiefer, Charles McCormic, Zach Besaw Absent: Mark Birchmeier Meeting started at 6:32 pm
- Dave made a motion to approve the meeting minutes for December. Second by Anita. Row call vote, unanimous, motion carried.
- Pete made a motion to approve the treasurer’s reports for December. Second by Tammy. Row call vote, unanimous, motion carried.
- Special Guest & Comments: Carl Seamon, Terry Tate, Stan Birchmeier. Stan talked about the water, pipes, water meters-will read with new wand readers. Change meters in the village, roughly 300 homes. Carl talked about the changes in the School Grant Project for the Northwood sidewalks.
- Old Business: Discussed bids & quotes for the Northwood Sidewalks. Kayla made a motion spend up to $35,000 for engineering costs for School Grant Project. Second by Zach. Row call vote. Zach-yes, Tammy-yes, Cindy-yes, Kayla-yes, Skip-yes, Dave-yes, Anita-yes, Pete-No. Majority rules. Motion carried.
- New Business: Business Revitalization Grant: Mark, the chairman, had reviewed and approved the application prior to the meeting. Zach made a motion to approve and accept the application for Schnell’s Services. Second by Skip. Row call, Dave-abstain, unanimous, motion carried.
- New Budget: Zach made a motion to increase Treasurer’s annual salary from $1000 to $1500. Second by Tammy. Row call vote. Kayla abstained. Unanimous, motion carried. Zach amended the motion to pay officers $1500 (treasurer, secretary), $1200 (president & vice president), $1000 for all other board members. Row call vote: Zach-yes, Dave-yes, Anita-yes, Cindy-Yes, Skip-yes, Kayla-abstain, Tammy-abstain, Pete-abstain. Unanimous, motion carried. Cindy made a motion to approve up to $1200 for a computer/laptop for Tammy, secretary. Second by Zach. Row call vote, unanimous, motion carried. Tammy made a motion to approve and accept the updated budget to the Village Council. Second by Zach. Row call vote, unanimous, motion carried.
- Skip talked about updates from the last Village Council meeting.
- Pete made a motion to approve Invoices. Second by Cindy. Row call vote, unanimous, motion carried.
- Pete made a motion to change signers on the DDA Accounts at The State Bank. Adding Tammy, Kayla, Mark, and Dave as signers for the accounts, removing Anita & Brad. Second by Zach. Row Call vote, unanimous. Motion carried.
- Meeting adjourned at 8:20 pm