December DDA 2024 Minutes
December 19, 2024 – DDA Minutes New Lothrop
Members present: Pete Stewart, Mark Birchmeier, Dave Schnell, Taylor Copes, Tammy Schiefer, Jody Greenwood, Andrew Wolford. Absent: Kayla McCormic, Cindy Kinsey Meeting started at 6:50 PM
Pledge of Allegiance
- Dave made a motion to approve the meeting minutes for November. Second by Taylor. Unanimous, motion carried.
- Dave made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report for October. Second by Taylor. Unanimous, motion carried. Pete made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report for November. Second by Tammy. Unanimous, motion carried.
- Special Guest & Comments: None.
- Old Business: Holly Jolly Eve: We had a great turnout, regarding how cold and windy the weather was that night. Fireworks went off late. Suggestion to maybe do the fireworks halfway through the event for next year. Cindy has been the chairperson for the past few years of the Holly Jolly Eve event, and has done a fantastic job, however, she had mentioned that night that she needs more help and would like someone to step up and be the chairperson. Cindy will help but needs more volunteers to make it a successful event.
- New Business: Welcomed Jody Greenwood as our new member of the NL DDA. Discussed changing our meeting time to 6:30pm instead of 6:45 pm. Pete made a motion to change the starting time of the NL DDA meetings from 6:45 pm to 6:30 pm. Second by Mark. Roll call vote, Unanimous, motion carried. John J Ryan is the attorney for the Village now that Matt has been promoted to judge. We discussed having John J Ryan attend our DDA meetings as well. Andy made a motion to have John J Ryan LLC as the attorney for the NL DDA meetings and to pay $2400 per year for the service of attending the DDA meetings. Second by Dave. Row Call vote, unanimous, motion carried. The parking situation in New Lothrop is bad. Discussed needing another entrance access to the parking lot in town, possibly in the back alley. Mentioned to possibly get an easement from the Methodist Church.
- Pete made a motion to pay Invoices. Second by Mark. Row call vote, unanimous. Motion carried.
- RoundTable Discussion: More Handicap Parking in town. More room for the ramp – where to put the ramp. Need to order flowers in February and decide on what colors for the flowers.
Meeting Adjourned at 7:41 PM