Category Archives: D.D.A Meeting Minutes

DDA September 2015 Minutes

09-17-15 Meeting called to order at 6:30pm. Present: Ayres, Yaklin, Schnell, A. Stewart, P.Stewart, Birchmeier, Olk, Burns. Absent: Ustishen A. Stewart motioned to accept the August minutes as presented with Burns 2nd the motion. The police budget will be voted on when all are present. It is currently not in our budget, there was a discrepancy in the budget. Ayres states that we agreed to…

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DDA August 2015 Minutes

Meeting called to order at 6:30pm Present: Ayres, Yaklin, Schnell, Ustishen, A.Stewart, Birchmeier, Olk, Burns Absent: P. Stewart Ayres motioned to accept the August minutes as presented with Birchmeier 2nd the motion. Ustishen motioned to accept the August treasurer’s report as presented & Olk 2nd the motion. The DDA will be placing a newspaper ad to thank everyone for all of their help for car show 2015, along with a…

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DDA July 2015 Minutes

Present: Ayres, Yaklin, Schnell, Ustishen, A. Stewart, Birchmeier, Olk, Burns Absent: P. Stewart Ayres motioned to accept the June minutes as presented Stewart 2nd the motion. Burns motioned to accept the treasurer’s report as presented with Yaklin 2nd motion. Special guests Jackie Bowman asking to set up a bake sale at car show as a fund raiser which was approved. Schnell motioned to authorize Ayres…

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DDA June 2015 Minutes

Meeting called to order at 6:35pm Present: Ayres, Yaklin, Schnell, Ustishen, P. Stewart, Birchmeier Absent: A. Stewart, Burns Ustishen motioned to accept the May 2015 minutes as presented Yaklin 2nd the motion. Schnell motioned to accept the TIF account as presented & Ayres 2nd the motion. P. Stewart motioned to accept the June 2015 treasures report as presented with Ustishen 2nd the motion. Roll call-all…

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