DDA 2023 August Minutes
August 17, 2023 – DDA Minutes New Lothrop
Members present: Pete Stewart, Dave Schnell, Mark Birchmeier, Tammy Schiefer, Kayla McCormic, Zach Besaw, Charles (Skip) McCormic Absent: Anita Stewart, Cindy Kinsey Meeting started at 6:52 pm
- Zach made a motion to approve the meeting minutes for July. Second by Skip. Row call vote, unanimous, motion carried.
- Zach made a motion to approve the Treasurers report for July. Second by Mark. Row call vote, unanimous, motion carried.
- Special Guest & Comments: Stan Birchmeier – Talked about tree trimming. Take out of Downtown Beautification. Get quotes on fixing/raising the sidewalks.
- Old Business: Need to replace a DDA board member. Anita has resigned. Kayla will be the replacement for Anita on the Park Committee. Dave, Kayla, Stan & Laura are on the Park Committee. The Park needs a coat of stain.
- New Business: Revitalization Grants: Dave approved the grant for Tip N Point, for the updates to the parking lot. Row call vote, Mark abstained, unanimous, motion carried. Mark approved the grant for Schnell’s Services. Row call vote, Dave abstained, unanimous, motion carried. Pete made a motion to pay all invoices. Second by Zach. Row call vote, unanimous, motion carried.
- Round table discussion: Tammy mentioned an idea to have concerts in the street during the summer months. Block off part of the downtown area, have a band set up, food truck, bring your own chair, purchase food and drinks from the local businesses. Meeting adjourned at 7:41 pm