DDA April 2017 Minutes
April 20, 2017
Present: Ayres, Yaklin, Schnell, Ustishen, A. Stewart, P. Stewart, Birchmeier, Burns
Absent: Moore
Meeting called to order at 6:30pm with the pledge of allegiance.
P. Stewart motioned to accept the March minutes as presented, Ayres 2nd the motion.
P. Stewart motioned to accept the treasurer’s as presented & Schnell 2nd the motion.
Frank & John Fisher were present to discuss tear down of the old confers building & were told not to use Peterson’s property for the tear down. Will be in touch with starting dates. Give 10 days notice to start tear down & $20,000 when done & the other $21,000 within 120 days.
Roll call Ayres-y, Yaklin-y, Schnell-y, Ustishen-y, A. Stewart-y, P.stewart-y, Birchmeier-n, burns-y
Entertainment tent for the car show to be put up & paying labor only for it to be put up. Pole barn rebels & the Niles block band are scheduled to play.
Getting bids for sealing streets & redoing the Northwood sStreet sidewalks.
Meeting with Joe Gross to sign & notorize paperwork for the sold property.
Advertisement with Michigan festivsls- no answer
Possible money from the county towards the tear down of the old Confers is being looked into.
Revitalization grants:
$33,075 parking lot Mark Birchmeier paid. Schnell motioned to pay $1500 towards the improvement &; S. Birchmeier 2nd the motion.
Roll call all yes. Ayres-y, Yaklin-y, Schnell-y, Ustishen-y, A.Stewart-y, P. Stewart-y, S. Birchmeier-y, Burns-y
$8,275 paid for siding of the market. Yaklin motioned to pay $1500 towards the improvement & A. Stewart 2nd the motion.
Roll call all yes, Ayres-y, Yaklin-y, Schnell-y, Ustishen-y, A.Stewart-y, P. Stewart-y, S. Birchmeier-y, Burns-y
Water plant project reimbursement $50,000 P. Stewart motioned/Birchmeier 2nd roll call 1-y 7-n, Ayres-y, Yaklin-n, Schnell-n,Ustishen-n, A. Stewart-n, P. Stewart-n, Birchmeier-n, Burns-y
P.Stewart motioned to pay consumers $1327.79 Birchmeier 2nd roll call all yes
Ayres-y, yaklin-y, Schnell-y, Ustishen-y, A.Stewart-y, P. Stewart-y, S. Birchmeier-y, Burns-y