DDA April 2019 Minutes
April 18 2019 / 6:30 PM / Village Hall
Attendees for DDA:
Dave Schnell, Holly Bishop, Anita Stewart, Pete Stewart, Mark Birchmeier, John Maksimchuck, Brad Arthur
Absent: Roy Moore
Call to Order 6:30 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance
Special Guest, Tammy from State Bank
Motion to approve March minutes, motion carried.
Motion to approve Treasurer’s Report, vote was unanimous. Motion carries.
Old Business:
Talk about moving forward with the poles (Schnell’s will be hired to do this). Updated Mr. Macksimchuck regarding the poles, flowers, desk for Terry. Everything is moving forward. Talks of car show and getting things rolling regarding this since it is coming up.
New Business:
Chuck Yaklin spoke with John Macksimchuck and resigned.
Fence and the pergola (Stan, Anita and Laura have been meeting regarding this. They have fence prices from Spartan fence out of Morrice. Anita spoke about it, as she met with the fence people. Anita shared pictures of possibilities and prices. Committee is recommending the lattice top fence to the village board and will propose the exact product, price (Mr. Macksimchuck recommends asking for a 10K budget to do the project to the village council on village property (formerly Confers market). DDA just needs to get permission granted from the village council. Motion to approve asking the committee for the fence proposal is passed and approved.
Stan Birchmeier is working on the design so hopefully we will have something regarding design, etc. to take to the next village meeting.
Travis from the state (517) 335-2532, treas-stateshareproptaxes@michigan.gov.) called regarding the tax increment and development finance plan. Doug Piggott works for Rowe Engineering has been hired by the DDA at the direction of the city council to renew our finance plan and extend it. There is a process, and we are expecting to see a draft of it, which will probably be ready for the DDA next month.
Dave Schnell brought up plants that we are hanging around town that Schnells will be those that are going to put the plants up and will take care of watering, etc. DDA will be billed for their services.
Invoice from Anita regarding lights in town. Motion by Dave Schnell to pass paying the bill, Holly Bishop seconds the motion. Motion carries, passes unanimously.
John brought up a sewer project, as a village, we will go out and contact other banks to get quotes. State bank has been contacted and will be considered. John spoke about a grant possibility to look for help in funding for this project.
Also, Chuck Yaklin approached John Macksimchuck about resigning from the DDA. Dave makes the motion to regretfully accept his resignation, Anita seconds the motion. Vote was unanimous to accept this.
Meeting adjourned 7:19 p.m.
Notes prepared by Secretary, Holly Bishop