DDA December 2022 Minutes
December 15, 2022 – DDA Minutes New Lothrop
Members present: Pete Stewart, Anita Stewart, Dave Schnell, Mark Birchmeier, Cindy Kinsey, Kayla McCormic, Tammy Schiefer, Charles McCormic, Zach Besaw Meeting started at 6:30 PM
Pledge of Allegiance
Business Meeting – Board Positions
Mark nominated Pete for President. Second by Anita. Row Call vote, all yeas. Motion carried. Pete nominated Mark for Vice President. Second by Kayla. Row Call vote, all yeas. Motion carried. Anita nominated Tammy for Secretary. Second by Cindy. Row call vote, all yeas. Motion carried. Tammy nominated Kayla for Treasurer. Second by Zach, all yeas. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned 6:36 PM
Next meeting called to order at 6:37 PM
- Kayla made a motion to approve the meeting minutes for November. Second by Zach. Motion carried.
- Dave made a motion to approve the treasurer’s reports for November. Second by Mark. Motion carried.
- Special Guest & Comments: Carl Seamon, Terry Tate, Stan Birchmeier, Ashley, grant writer. Carl presented a map of the proposed plan for the possible grant for the village of New Lothrop. Asked if DDA will support sharing the funding with the schools for the engineering, which would need to be done before the grant approved. Grant could go towards sidewalks, streetlights, stop signs, etc. Need to get a certification – zoning. This may take up to 3 years for the process, which may happen in 2025. Table for further information on quotes for the drainage to determine plan for the grant to possibly support at next meeting. Juan from Don Felipe showed up to introduce himself.
- Business Revitalization Grant: Mark made a motion to accept the application for Denny’s Tavern. Second by Zach. Row call, unanimous. Motion carried. Dave made amotion to accept the application for Don Felipe. Second by Tammy. Row call vote, unanimous. Motion carried.
- Old Business: The DPW Village Barn completed, still waiting for the doors.
Cindy spoke about the Holly Jolly Eve Event having the most people than past years, and it was very successful. There will be a meeting scheduled in January to discuss the preparation for next Holly Jolly Eve in 2023.
- New Business: Welcome Zach Besaw to the NL DDA Board.
- Dave made a motion to approve Invoices. Second by Anita. Row call vote, unanimous. Motion carried.
- Pete made a motion to change signers on the DDA Accounts at The State Bank. Add Kayla, Mark, and Dave as signers. Second by Zach. Row Call vote, unanimous. Motion carried.
- Meeting adjourned at 7:40 PM