DDA January 2022 Minutes

DDA Minutes for January 20, 2022

  1. Call to order at 6: 34 pm and pledge of allegiance
  2. All in attendance is Holly Bishop, Pete Stewart, Kayla McCormic, Anita Stewart, Dave Schnell, Tammy Schiefer and John Macksimchuck
  3. Motion made by John to accept budget, seconded by Anita. All supported, motion passed.
  4. No December 2021 meeting minutes available but will be available next meeting.
  5. Special guest John, who owns the building where Hornet’s Nest was. He wanted to let us know that he had his liquor license back and to please spread the word. Also, Tammy from State Bank.
  6. Old business: Holly Jolly eve/Candle walk. Cindy couldn’t be here, so we will talk about it next time.  
  7. New business: Budget for putting money toward the water filtration plant. Misc. office expenses, professional fees (accountant, lawyer), downtown beautification, we are leaving the budget of 69,500.00. Downtown promotion at 21k, property acquisition sidewalks, street improvements, etc. John made a motion to accept the amended budget as prepared. Kayla seconded it. 
  1. Pete brought up that the incorporated New Lothrop will be 75 years old. John said that at 50 years, a paper was put out with information with a map of the village and advertisement. 
  2. Anita made a motion for Anita to spend up to 4,000$ for flowers for the village. Kayla seconded it. Roll call vote was unanimous, motion passed.
  3.  Grant revitalization, Matt Mckone spoke about still needing to work on making it more user friendly. 
  4. Invoices: street lights 1582.17$, Tip’n Point $124.76 for chocolate, WRSR $500 total, Anita for stamps. 
  5. Dave will make a motion to pay all bills. Pete seconded the motion. Roll call vote, unanimous, motion passed. 
  6. Round Table discussion: Kayla would like to not forget about the trees for downtown and maybe movies in the park. Dave would like to think about organizing a fun day in town for the 75th anniversary. Holly would also like to still look into the trees for town and also continue the cruise-ins this summer if we do not do the Car Show. 
  7. Motion to adjourned by Pete at 7:31pm. 

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