DDA July 2015 Minutes

Present: Ayres, Yaklin, Schnell, Ustishen, A. Stewart, Birchmeier, Olk, Burns Absent: P. Stewart

Ayres motioned to accept the June minutes as presented Stewart 2nd the motion.

Burns motioned to accept the treasurer’s report as presented with Yaklin 2nd motion.

Special guests Jackie Bowman asking to set up a bake sale at car show as a fund raiser which was approved.

Schnell motioned to authorize Ayres to talk to Mike Confer about the old Confers building located at 9491 Genesee Street to make an offer to purchase for $30,000. Olk 2nd the motion. Roll call- Ayres-n, Yaklin-n, Schnell-y, Ustishen-n, A. Stewart-n, Birchmeier-n, Olk-y, Burns-n.

Birchmeier motioned to offer $20,000 for the old Confers building Burns 2nd motion.
Roll call- all yes Ayres-y, Yaklin-y, Schnell-y, Ustishen-y, A. Stewart-y, Birchmeier-y, Olk-y, Burns-y

Quotes to tear down the old confers building at 9491 Genesee Street are:

$39,400 Bierlien
$49,700 Fick
This includes teardown & cleanup along with fill dirt.

Yaklin motioned to nominate P. Stewart as new vice president. Schnell 2nd motion.

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