DDA July 2017 Minutes

July 20, 2017

Meeting called to order at 6:32pm

Present: M.Birchmeier, Yaklin, Lahmann, Schnell, Ustishen, A. Stewart, P. Stewart, S. Birchmeier, Burns

P. Stewart motioned to accept the June minutes as presented. A. Stewart 2nd motion

Ustishen motioned to accept the treasurer’s report as presented, P. Stewart 2nd motion

S. Birchmeier motioned to pay Fishers $20,000. Burns 2nd motion.

Roll call yes-7 no-2. Passed. M. Birchmeier-y, Yaklin-n, Lahmann-y, Schnell-y, Ustishen-y, A. Stewart-y, P. Stewart-n, S. Birchmeier-y, Burns-y

Grants-NL insurance-1- building add on. S. Birchmeier motioned Schnell 2nd .
Roll call-pass no-2 yes-7 s. Birchmeier-n, p Stewart-n, M. Birchmeier-y, Yaklin-y, Lahmann-y, Schnell-y, Ustishen-y, A. Stewart-y, Burns-y

2- ashphalt- S. Birchmeier motioned Schnell 2nd . $2240 total- paid $1120.

Roll call all yes. M. Birchmeier-y, Yaklin-y ,Lahmann-y, Schnell-y, Ustishen-y, A. Stewart-y, P. Stewart-y, S. Birchmeier-y, Burns-y

3-Gutters- $1190- A. Stewart motioned P. Stewart 2nd . Roll call no vote 5-no 4-yea
M. Birchmeier-n, Lahmann-n, Ustishen-n, A. Stewart-n, Burns-n, Yaklin-y, Schnell-y, P.Stewart-y, S. Birchmeier-y

P. Stewart motioned to pay the bills as presented S. Birchmeier 2nd
$1336.57 Consumers
$1332.84 Consumers
$50,000 Project reimbursement
$20,000 Fishers

Meeting adjourned at 743pm

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