DDA July 2023 Minutes
July 20, 2023 – DDA Minutes New Lothrop
Members present: Pete Stewart, Dave Schnell, Mark Birchmeier, Tammy Schiefer, Kayla McCormic, Zach Besaw, Charles (Skip) McCormic Absent: Anita Stewart, Cindy Kinsey Meeting started at 6:48 pm
- Skip made a motion to approve the meeting minutes for May. Second by Zach. Row call vote, unanimous, motion carried.
- Skip made a motion to approve the Treasurers report for May and June. Second by Zach. Row call vote, unanimous, motion carried.
- Special Guest & Comments: Police Chief, Curt Bierlein talked about putting up the Charger for sale. He had a meeting with Anthony Berthiaume, need additional money to have police patrol for the school. Skip made a motion to pay $20,000 for the agency contract to have police patrol for the school. Second by Zach, Row call vote, Mark-yes, Dave-yes, Tammy-yes, Zach-yes, Skip-yes, Kayla-no, Pete-no. Majority, motion carried. Zach made a motion to amend the budget, by increasing Police/School Service from $18,000 to $20,000, decrease Downtown Beautification from $60,500 to 58,500. Second by Skip. Row call vote, unanimous, motion carried. Skip mentioned that repairs are needed in Confer Park. Skip made a motion to pay up to $2000 for the Confer Park repairs. Second by Zach. Row call vote, unanimous, motion carried.
- Old Business: Flowers in downtown: Purchase wire baskets, which will be reused, and should last for a few years.
- New Business: The School Grant Project may be $990,000, but not official just yet. Pete made a motion to pay all invoices. Second by Mark. Row call vote, unanimous, motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:46 pm