DDA June 2019 Minutes
Attendees for DDA: Dave Schnell, Holly Bishop, Anita Stewart, Pete Stewart, Mark Bircheier, Brad Arthur and Roy Moore
Absent: Mr. John Macksimchuck
Call to order 6:30 p.m.
Motion to approve May minutes made by Dave, Motion seconded by Anita, motion carried.
Motion to approve treasurer’s report, vote was unanimous. Motion carries.
Special Guest, Frank Merriweather spoke about being the manager for the group the Screaming Rebels. They do different patriotic flyovers and have done a number of other festivals throughout the year. Theresa from Watershed, before it closed, was interested in doing this. However, due to its closing, Frank is asking if we would still like to do a flyover with the car show. He commented that there is great interest amongst car show people and the Screaming Rebels. There is a lot of neat history that goes with these air crafts from WWII. Dave commented that this would be a motion taken up by the board. Frank stated that if the weather conditions are not favorable and it is necessary to cancel, the money would be refunded. Question was directed toward the treasurer, Anita, if we could afford the cost. It was confirmed that the DDA has allotted money to do so. There was discussion that we could take the money out of the downtown promotion (where the flower money came out of) or Car Show budget.
Motion to approve asking the board, Roy was the first to make the motion, Brad Seconded the motion. Discussion of times when the aircrafts would fly then followed. For example, there would be a 1:00 flyover, etc.
Roll Call vote, for the DDA to spend the 2800$ to cover the cost of the Screamin’ Rebels. Vote was unanimous.
2. Special guest, Doug Picket from Rowe Engineering was here to update us on the Tif plan.