DDA March 2016 Minutes


Present: Ayres, Yaklin, Schnell, P. Stewart, Olk, Burns
Absent: Ustishen, Birchmeier, A. Stewart

P. Stewart motioned to accept the treasurer’s report as presented. Ayres 2nd the motion.

Ayres motioned to pay $12,000 to have police on duty during days. Olk 2nd motion.
Will be left as a year to year decision.

Schnell motioned to pay invoices, P. Stewart 2nd motion.
Roll call-all yes. Ayres-y, Yaklin-y, Schnell-y, P.Stewart-y, Olk-y, Burns-y

Wheelers are the main sponsor for 2016 car show. Every car must pay to park their car.

Tear down of old confers building is still being discussed & grant requirements are being looked into.

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