DDA March 2023 Minutes
March 16, 2023 – DDA Minutes New Lothrop
Members present: Pete Stewart, Anita Stewart, Dave Schnell, Cindy Kinsey, Kayla McCormic, Tammy Schiefer, Mark Birchmeier, Charles (Skip) McCormic Absent: Zach Besaw
Meeting started at 6:47 pm
- Mark made a motion to approve the meeting minutes for January. Second by Skip. Row call vote, unanimous, motion carried.
- Dave made a motion to approve the treasurer’s reports for January. Second by Skip. Row call vote, unanimous, motion carried.
- Special Guest & Comments: None
- Old Business: Received File Cabinets with locks for records in office. School Grant process: should know by middle of July if passed. Revitalization Grants: None
- New Business: New business going in Holly Ustishen’s old building. Jody Greenwood, owner of Jody’s Hair Zone Salon, the new salon in town. Scott & Nichole Hasseld are the new owners of Rustics Meadows (formally Tafoya Hall). Put ad in Tri-County Citizen to highlight Brad Arthur on his future retirement. The New Lothrop United Methodist Church will be holding a garage sale for fund raising. Cindy discussed checking prices and other options for Christmas Lighting Decorations for the downtown. New Lothrop Cruise-Ins will be scheduled for the first Friday of each month starting May through August.
- Skip talked about the updates from the Village Council meeting. Village of NL asked if NL DDA will pay $5,750 to help pay Silver Smith GPS for the technology system. Skip made a motion for NL DDA to pay Silver Smith GPS $5,750. Second by Mark. Row Call vote. Skip-Yes, Kayla-Yes, Dave-No, Cindy-No, Tammy-No, Mark-No, Anita-No, Pete-No. Motion failed. Skip made a motion for NL DDA to pay $3,830.24 to Silver Smith GPS (1/3 of water, sewer, and street). Second by Kayla. Row call vote. Skip-Yes, Kayla-No, Dave-No, Mark-No, Tammy-No, Cindy-No, Anita-No, Pete-No. Motion failed.
- New Budget: Tammy made a motion to accept the changes to the 2022-2023 Budget. Second by Cindy. Row call vote. Unanimous, motion carried.
- Pete made a motion to approve all Invoices, except DPW Truck & 103.5 invoices to get clarification before paid. Second by Dave. Row call vote, unanimous, motion carried.
- Skip made a motion to adjust the time for the NL DDA meetings from 6:30 pm to 6:45 pm for the remainder of the year. Second by Cindy. Row call vote. Unanimous, motion carried.
- A request was made to put the ordinances on the website.
- Meeting adjourned at 8:08 pm