DDA November 2019 Minutes
November 21, 2019
Attendees for DDA:
Dave Schnell, Holly Bishop, Anita Stewart, Pete Stewart, Mark Birchmeier, Brad Arthur, Roy Moore
Absent: Mr. John Macksimchuck (mayor)
1. Call to Order 6:30 p.m.
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Annual business meeting for DDA board members. Dave Schnell for president. Mark made a motion, Holly Bishop seconded the motion. Motion for vice president to be Pete Stewart, motion made by Holly Bishop, motion seconded by Dave. Anita Stewart nominated for treasurer, motion unanimous. Holly Bishop to be nominated, roll call vote passed.
4. Meeting adjourned at 6:35 p.m.
5. Next meeting called to order at 6:36 p.m.
6. Motion to approve October minutes, Pete made a motion. Dave seconded the motion. No discussion, motion carried.
7. Motion to approve Treasurer’s Report, vote was unanimous. Motion carries.
Special Guest: Cindy Kinsey, wanted to let us all know that the Candle walk was planned. Cindy and Roy spoke about music, etc. She also said that she needed volunteers and were going to check at the high school for volunteers. Cindy gave us a copy of the Candle Walk agenda and we spoke about the activities.
Doug and Corey from Rowe Professional Services Company spoke to us about the TIF Plan. They spoke about the Increment Financing Plan and that we have time to review the document to identify any issues or concerns that we may have. Or, we can adopt the plan tonight. Matt suggested that since we don’t have a citizens appointment council, we should study our TIF plan and then vote to adopt it in December.
Old Business:
1. The park, phase I is completed.
Anita spoke about how our budget for the park includes the downtown lights, also. John suggested to add a line item and amend our budget to 50K. Anita stated that it is possible to move money from the DDA savings. We will need to send that to the village to be approved. Dave made a motion to agree with that. Brad seconded the motion. Motion approved. Roll call vote taken, vote was unanimously passed.
2. Anita brought up that the DDA needs a new computer. Pete made a motion to buy a new computer, Dave seconded the motion. There wasn’t a vote on buying the computer yet, but Anita wanted us to know that the issue of buying a computer is coming up. Pete and Dave retracted their motions until we get numbers.
New Business:
1. Brad, Rob and Mark brought together a committee to improve local businesses. Dave stated that his goal is to update the roofs of all of his businesses. Motion made by Mark, Brad seconded the motion. Unanimous roll call vote, with the exception of Dave Schnell who abstained from voting.
2. It was brought up that our town needs some lines painted in town so that people know how to park, etc. when they come into town. Mark mentioned that now is the time to get something lined up for Spring.
Invoices to pay: Anita brought out the invoices for decorations, Consumers, Schnell’s, treasurer’s salary.
Pete made a motion to pay for Decorations and village of New Lothrop. Anita seconded the motion.
Pete made a motion to pay Schnell’s Services. Roll call vote, unanimous, with Dave abstaining from voting.
John made a motion to pay for treasurer’s salary. Anita abstained from voting, but we had a unanimous roll call vote for agreeing to pay the treasurer’s salary.
-John mentioned that the generator is now hooked up to the village offices. Therefore, if the power goes out, the Village Hall can be a warming center.
Pete made a motion to add Brad Arthur and Mark Birchmier as signers for checks in town. Dave seconded the motion. Roll call vote was unanimous, motion passed. John mentioned that the auditors like other authorized signers to initial checks, etc. that are written.
John spoke about how some sewage pumps were out for a couple days, but have been fixed.
-Dave asked a few questions about getting streets shut off for the candle walk from Village East down to the State Bank.
Motion to adjourn made by Dave Schnell, motion unanimous.
Meeting adjourned 7:59 p.m.