DDA October 2021 Minutes
DDA meeting for October 21, 2021
Meeting called to order at 6:30 pm
Members present: Diane Lahmann, Dave Schnell, Anita Stewart, Pete Stewart, Mark Birchmeier, Kayla McCormic. Guest: Cindy Kinzie
No minutes from September were available
Motion to accept treasurer’s report made by Mark , seconded by Dave Schnell. Motion passed.
New business:
Cindy asked if her committee is to pay for tree decorations. The $8,000 candlewalk budget will pay for decorations on trees and fireworks. Cindy said there have been donations and should be a profit. The committee has asked for their budget to be increased to $3500 to cover home decoration winner signs. To get a lower price, signs have been bought for the next several years. Motion made by Mark, seconded by Anita. Motion passed.
Carl Seamon presented the village sidewalk update. The $31,000 from the DDA budget may need to roll into 2022 since all the work may not be completed this year.
Dunklee project
Discussion of the possibility of the project going over the bid since unexpected problems and changes have occured. Pete wants to make sure we see the bill given to the village before the DDA reimburse to make sure it is the same bid DDA approved.
Garbage cans at Village (confer park) committee has been unable to meet to order lids. Will continue to try to meet.
Crannie sign Co. has checked with M-Dot and found that they have a 120ft right of way. That would put the sign 60 feet from the road and into the field. The landowner has said he doesn’t want the sign in the field. Project cannot move forward.
Mark has been given a price of $20,000 from Doug Taylor for the over the street sign. This is much less than the quote of 70K from Crannie signs.
Invoices $1,500 consumers a $15 for computer. Motion to pay made by
Mark. Seconded by Kayla. Motion passed.