July DDA 2024 Minutes
July 18, 2024 – New Lothrop DDA Minutes
Members present: Pete Stewart, Dave Schnell, Mark Birchmeier, Cindy Kinsey, Tammy Schiefer, Zach Besaw, Kayla McCormic, Charles McCormic, (Skip). Absent: Taylor Copes Meeting started at 6:46 PM
Pledge of Allegiance
- Zach made a motion to approve the meeting minutes for June. Second by Mark. Unanimous, motion carried.
- Mark made a motion to approve the treasurer’s reports for June. Second by Tammy. Unanimous, motion carried.
- Special Guest & Comments: None
- Old Business: Cindy is still waiting for Gift Certificates to be returned from the Holly Jolly Eve. $200 is still outstanding. Basketball Court: Kayla got quotes from Gross Construction on the Basketball Court plan on school property. Kayla made a motion to pay up to $65,000 for a full regulation size basketball court. Second by Zach. Row call vote. Mark-No, Dave-No, Tammy-Yes, Cindy-Yes, Zach-Yes, Kayla-Yes, Pete-No, Skip-Yes. Majority, motion carried. The police dept will receive a $60,000 grant.
- New Business: With the additional TIF funds received, Kayla made a motion to amend the budget, adding $100,000 to Streets, and $34,779.00 to Downtown Beautification. Second by Cindy. Row call vote. Unanimous, motion carried.
- Pete made a motion to pay the invoices. Second by Tammy. Row call vote. Unanimous, motion carried.
Meeting Adjourned at 7:57 pm