November DDA 2024 Minutes
November 21, 2024 – DDA Minutes New Lothrop
Members present: Pete Stewart, Mark Birchmeier, Taylor Copes, Cindy Kinsey, Tammy Schiefer, Andrew Wolford. Absent: Dave Schnell, Kayla McCormic Meeting started at 6:45 PM
Pledge of Allegiance
- Mark made a motion to approve the meeting minutes for October. Second by Cindy. Row call vote, unanimous. Motion carried.
- No Treasurer’s Report-Treasurer is absent.
- Special Guest & Comments: John Maksimchuk (new street commissioner) – asking the DDA to pay half of the payment for the purchase of a new 2025 Ford Truck for the DPW. The village will pay the other half of the payment. 2 payments of $10,600 per year for 3 years. Plan to sell the 1986 green truck with the old plow. Andy made a motion for the DDA to pay half of the payment for the 2025 Ford Truck: $10,600 payment annually for 3 years. Second by Mark. Row call vote, Mark-yes, Taylor-yes, Cindy-yes, Tammy-yes, Andy-yes, Pete-No. Majority. motion carried. Mentioned that the office could use some new chairs around the board table.
- Old Business: Holly Jolly Eve: Cindy said she would like to request 2 checks ahead of time to be able to pay the people for the Horse & Carriage ride and the Poppin Ballons at the Holly Jolly Event. Basketball Courts: Still waiting for the school to submit a proposal on the land for the basketball courts.
- New Business: Zach submitted a letter of resignation from the DDA Council, as he is going to the Village Council. Jody Greenwood is interested in being a DDA member. She will submit a letter to the Village clerk. Revitalization Grant: Mark approved the grant for Joe Besaw’s business on Main St. Cindy made a motion to pay $1500 to Joe Besaw for the grant. Second by Tammy. Roll call vote, Unanimous, motion carried.
- Pete made a motion to pay Invoices. Second by Tammy. Row call vote, unanimous. Motion carried.
Meeting Adjourned at 7:35 PM
Next meeting called to order at 7:40 PM
- Business Meeting – Board Positions
Cindy nominated Kayla for Treasurer. Second by Andy. Row Call vote, all yeas. Motion carried. Mark nominated Tammy for Secretary. Second by Andy. Row Call vote, all yeas. Motion carried. Andy nominated Mark for Vice President. Second by Taylor. Row call vote, all yeas. Motion carried. Andy nominated Pete for President. Second by Mark. Row call vote, all yeas. Motion carried. All positions accepted.
Meeting adjourned 7:46 PM