October DDA 2024 Mintues
October 17, 2024 – New Lothrop DDA Minutes
Members present: Pete Stewart, Dave Schnell, Mark Birchmeier, Cindy Kinsey, Zach Besaw, Kayla McCormic, Charles McCormic (Skip). Absent: Tammy Schiefer, Taylor Copes Meeting started at 6:45 PM
Pledge of Allegiance
- Skip made a motion to approve the meeting minutes for September. Second by Kayla. Unanimous, motion carried.
- Pete made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s report foy September. Second by Zach. Unanimous, motion carried.
- Special Guest & Comments: None.
- Old Business: Taylor had quotes for X-ma decorations. $9,800 for 1st year, $3,800 for following years for 14 snowflakes. Will not consider, it is too much money. Pavilion was stained by Ed Birchmeier. Basketball Courts: Kayla talked to the school about buying property for the basketball court. They are willing to donate the property to the DDA. Kayla will check to make sure there will be no restrictions on what we do with it.
- New Business: Zach made a motion to pay Dave Schnell for FA’CADE Project. Second by Mark. Row call vote. Unanimous, motion carried.
- Cindy made a motion to pay the invoices. Second by Dave. Discussion-work on DPW building that was approved for up to $3000, bill is $3,116.30. Voted to pay $3000. Row call vote. Unanimous, motion carried.
- Round Table: Nothing from anyone.
Meeting Adjourned at 7:50 pm