Village April 2016 Minutes
April 13, 2016
Present: Maksimchuk’s, Tate, Burns, Seamon, Gauthier, Olk, Beauchamp, Wolford (7:06)
Meeting called to order by Mayor Jerry Burns at 7:00 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Motion by Seamon, support by Maksimchuk to accept the minutes to clarify and amend the Variance footage to read 66’ not 68’, motion carried. Motion by Maksimchuk, support by Olk to accept the Treasurer’s report, motion carried.
Brian Rice from Fleis & Vanderbrink was present to discuss quote for up to 5 test wells at lagoons. Motion by Maksimchuk, support by Olk to hire Fleis & Vanderbrink for $12,725.00 to do the test wells at lagoons, roll call vote, all yeas, motion carried.
Ellen Tencer was present to discuss the installation of some utility network poles within the village. Council has requested a Franchise agreement and more information.
Motion by Wolford, support by Olk to hire Dean Powell as a part-time police officer, motion carried.
Mr. Perkins was present with his Attorney in regards to No Motor Vehicle signs placed in the undeveloped alley’s that are used for utility easements only. Was informed by our Attorney that that is a Traffic Control Order issued by the Chief of Police and it is a Police matter and to discussed with him. A request for an exception must go through the Police Chief.
Police & DPW Reports on file.
Motion by Beauchamp, support by Wolford to purchase Identification Credential Badges, Motion carried.
DDA did approve $12,000 for Police Budget. Budget needs to be amended.
Clerk will work on bridge dedications.
Motion by Olk, support by Wolford to dedicate the Easton Road Bridge in Norbert Emmendorfer’s name, who was a long-time dedicated Village Employee, discussion, motion carried. Both Bridges are scheduled to be dedicated during Memorial Day weekend.
Motion by Maksimchuk, support by Wolford to pay all the bills, including the telephone and consumer, roll call vote, all yeas, motion carried.
Declared meeting adjourned at 8:53 p.m.