Village July 2020 Minutes

July 8, 2020

Present: Maksimchuk’s, Ustishen, Tate, Seamon, Besaw
Absent: L. Olk, S. Birchmeier, Gauthier

Meeting called to order by Mayor John Maksimchuk at 7:00 p.m. with the
Pledge of Allegiance.

Motion by Seamon , support by Besaw to accept the minutes with the addition to include a telephone vote taken June 25 to allow the Street Commissioner to accept the bid for a Chip & Seal project on Main Street, All yeas recorded.

Another telephone vote was taken June 29 to award the ditch project in August Meadows to Ralph Krupp at a quote of $6,300, all yeas recorded.

Motion by Ustishen, support by Besaw to accept the Treasurer’s report, motion carried.

Caroline Wilson, County Clerk of Shiawassee was present to update
council on their office/actions.

Police, Zoning and DPW on file.

Motion by J. Maksimchuk, support by Besaw to accept budget amendment
proposed by DDA, to lower downtown beautification $5,500 and lower after
tower fund $7,000 and increase property acquisition $12,500 for the
purchase of a used police vehicle, roll call vote, all yeas, motion carried.

Street Commissioner rejected proposal for initial Main Street chip and seal
which was initially approved by telephone vote. Motion By Seamon, support by J. Maksimchuk to hire Highway Maintenance to slurry seal Main
Street for up to $24,000 and will include stripping, roll call vote, all yeas,
motion carried.

Hornet’s Nest was given approval by the Mayor for outdoor seating. Mayor
also discussed committee appointees need to bring recommendations back
to council for approval. Discussed work being done at pavilion.

Motion by Besaw, support by Seamon to pay all the bills.

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