Village November 2015 Minutes
Present: Maksimchuk’s, Gauthier, Seamon, Burns, Tate,
Beauchamp, Olk, Wolford
Call to order by Mayor Jerry Burns at 7:00p.m. With the Pledge of Allegiance. Motion by Maksimchuk, support by Gauthier to accept the minutes, motion carried. Motion by Seamon, support by Maksimchuk to accept the Special Meeting Minutes, motion carried. Motion by Maksimchuk, support by Olk to accept the Treasurer’s Report, motion carried.
Jami Bruff was present to discuss with council the opportunity to help the Village sell the vacant lots we recently obtained.
Motion by Seamon, support by Beauchamp to close the necessary streets for Candle walk to be held on December 10th, motion carried. Hazelton Township Fire Chief, Brad Cesal and Assistant Chief Bob Hobson were present to introduce themselves to council.
Police, Zoning and DPW Reports on file.
Discussed working on clock on Main Street. And also problem with vehicles driving down grass covered “alleys” and leaving deep ruts. Street Commissioner will check into it.
Audit Report given and the Village has obtained a “Clean” audit which is the highest rating a Village can receive.
Motion by Maksimchuk, support by Gauthier to accept the Budget amendments, roll call vote, all yeas, motion carried. Motion by Maksimchuk, support by Gauthier to accept the audit as presented, roll call vote, all yeas, motion carried.
Committee report on August Meadows lots, Council member Keith Gauthier asked Jami to present a proposal to council. Council member Carl Seamon will get council a list of subdivision restrictions. The committee will meet and get back with the board.
Council discussed Alley’s that have only been used for utility easements and now vehicles are using them and they are not developed roads. Question from DPW, who is to maintain them now and fix ruts and mow? Place on Agenda for next month. Motion by Maksimchuk, support by Olk to pay all the bills including the telephone bills, roll call vote, all yeas, motion carried.
Declared meeting adjourned at 8:30p.m.